module test (input logic clk, rst, output logic [3:0] cnt);
always_ff @ (posedge clk)
if (rst)
cnt <= 0;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
endmodule : test
module tb_test;
logic clk, rst;
logic [3:0] cnt2;
test mm (.*); // Error here
initial begin
rst = 1'b1;
#3ns rst = 1'b0;
$display("End of simulation");
always begin
clk = 1'b0;
clk = 1'b1;
endmodule : tb_test
There is an error in the implicit port connection: test mm (.*) (due to the mispelled variable cnt2). However, this error is not reported by dsim that performs the simulation without signaling any error or warnings. Command issued:
Thank you for your test case. I have created an internal enhancement request for this issue. The SystemVerilog Language Reference Manual is a little unclear if this should be an error or not, but we agree that DSim should at least issue a warning.
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Consider the following simple Systemverilog code:
There is an error in the implicit port connection: test mm (.*) (due to the mispelled variable cnt2). However, this error is not reported by dsim that performs the simulation without signaling any error or warnings. Command issued:
dsim -noopt -timescale 1ns/1ps +acc -waves test.vcd
Metrics DSim version: 20240923.0.0 (b:R #c:0 h:e981d301ee os:ubuntu_22.04)
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Christine Andress posted 5 months ago Admin
Thank you for your test case. I have created an internal enhancement request for this issue. The SystemVerilog Language Reference Manual is a little unclear if this should be an error or not, but we agree that DSim should at least issue a warning.
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