VHDL wave dump

Posted about 2 months ago by Eda Playground

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Eda Playground

I am struggling with dumping waves from a VHDL simulation. When I look at the waves, I'm getting Xs and Zs instead of 0s and 1s:

I have attached the relevant files (I think). I cannot find anything about this in the documentation. 

(In fact, I have regressed to a simpler VHDL simulation. The one I started with didn't record any waveforms at all at the testbench level, despite there being various std_logic signals and std_logic_vector signals.)

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Shaun Luong posted about 2 months ago Admin

Not displaying VHDL signals properly in our Waveform Viewer is a known limitation which will be fixed in a future release.

See this post for details: https://help.metrics.ca/support/discussions/topics/154000634960

This limitation is documented in the DSim Desktop extension change log:

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