VPI support

Posted 4 months ago by Téo Biton

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Téo Biton


The documentation mentions that DSim wants to support the VPI. I have been playing around with the VPI and tried DSim with cocotb. There seems to be issues regarding logging and get_sim_time callbacks:

-.--ns TRACE    gpi                                ../gpi/GpiCommon.cpp:616  in gpi_to_user                     Passing control to GPI user
     -.--ns TRACE    gpi                                ..mbed/gpi_embed.cpp:217  in _embed_sim_init                 Returning to Python
     -.--ns WARNING  gpi                                ..ib/vpi/VpiImpl.cpp:65   in get_sim_time                    VPI error
     -.--ns ERROR    gpi                                ..py_gpi_logging.cpp:25   in fallback_handler                Error calling Python logging function from C++ while logging the above
     -.--ns WARNING  gpi                                              (none):0    in DSim                            No error occurred.
     -.--ns ERROR    gpi                                ..py_gpi_logging.cpp:25   in fallback_handler                Error calling Python logging function from C++ while logging the above
     0.00ns WARNING  gpi                                VPI error
     -.--ns WARNING  gpi                                ..ib/vpi/VpiImpl.cpp:65   in get_sim_time                    VPI error

The log comes from cocotb; as other simulators supporting VPI works with DSim, I guess my question would be is the VPI complete in the current version of DSim.

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Shaun Luong posted 4 months ago Admin

This post has been moved to the more appropriate forum: DSim -> Feature Requests and Feedback.

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Arman Samimi posted 4 months ago

+1 for adding cocotb support. We have our block level tests in cocotb (full chip sims are still in SV for speed), and if DSim supported cocotb it would be a good alternative for our nightly regressions. Currently we use Xcelium but we are limited by # of license we have to share with the rest of the company, so we cannot run all the tests we would like to. 

There is a large community around cocotb / opensource folks that will help bring visibility to DSim. 

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Téo Biton posted 4 months ago

Hi Chas,

I just wanted to compare DSim to other simulators and test it out. Since I use cocotb a lot and DSim documentation mentions VPI support, I explored the possibilities. Since DSim now has license free versions there might be interest for other users as well to use it with cocotb!



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Charles Dawson posted 4 months ago Admin

Hi Teo,

How important is it that cocotb work?  Is this software you rely on or were you using it as an example to see how dsim's VPI support is?  Are there other VPI applications that you need?



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Téo Biton posted 4 months ago

Hi Chas,

Thanks for your answer. I've been using the option to trace VPI in my debug process, but thank you for confirming that support is not fully there yet. Looking forward to the next VPI updates then!


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Charles Dawson posted 4 months ago Admin

Hi Teo,

No, we only have partial VPI support right now. I have tried running with cocotb in the past and there are definitely some things missing from DSim that cocotb needs.  You can get more info out of dsim by adding the -trace-vpi option.


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