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Posted 7 months ago by Orimitsu Serizawa
I found the following bugs.
1. variables/objects declared below their reference point is not properly recognized in a class.
class my_class; //int a; // O.K function new(); a = 3; //this.a = 3; //O.K endfunction int a; // Compile Error endclass
The code above is complied normally if 'this' is not omitted.
2. Similarly, if the signal is declared outside the class inside a module, then, its declaration point must be above the class.
module tb; //int a; // O.K class my_class; function new(); a = 3; endfunction endclass int a; // Compile Error endmodule
3. In the same way, the signal must be declared above the class inside package.
package my_pkg; //int a; // O.K class my_class; function new(); a = 3; endfunction endclass int a; // Compile Error endpackage
Each complete test bench file is attached.
I hope these issues are resolved in the future release of DSim.
Attachments (3)
tb.sv332 Bytes
tb.sv289 Bytes
tb.sv341 Bytes
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David Jones posted 6 months ago Admin Best Answer
The LRM states (section 6.21):
A variable declaration shall precede any simple reference (non-hierarchical) to that variable.
It is possible that another vendor accepts your code; however, I cannot find any statement in the LRM that specifically allows this.
1 Votes
Orimitsu Serizawa posted 6 months ago
Hi David,
It looks you are right. Thanks.
David Jones posted 6 months ago Admin Answer
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I found the following bugs.
1. variables/objects declared below their reference point is not properly recognized in a class.
The code above is complied normally if 'this' is not omitted.
2. Similarly, if the signal is declared outside the class inside a module, then, its declaration point must be above the class.
3. In the same way, the signal must be declared above the class inside package.
Each complete test bench file is attached.
I hope these issues are resolved in the future release of DSim.
Attachments (3)
332 Bytes
289 Bytes
341 Bytes
0 Votes
David Jones posted 6 months ago Admin Best Answer
The LRM states (section 6.21):
It is possible that another vendor accepts your code; however, I cannot find any statement in the LRM that specifically allows this.
1 Votes
Orimitsu Serizawa posted 6 months ago
Hi David,
It looks you are right. Thanks.
0 Votes
David Jones posted 6 months ago Admin Answer
The LRM states (section 6.21):
It is possible that another vendor accepts your code; however, I cannot find any statement in the LRM that specifically allows this.
1 Votes
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